Our Pastor
Pastor Tanya Jeffcoat

Pastor Tanya was born into a small farming community in Arkansas. While many of her paternal side of the family went into the ministry, her father choose the military giving her immeasurable experiences in seeing many parts of the country. Strong elements of her faith background have direct ties to all her family, but especially to her great-grandfather who lived by example, demonstrating the notion of radical hospitality to all. When asked about her greatest strength, Pastor Tanya’s response was, “Walking along side people, listening to people, and wondering with them.” In her own words, “I am called to use my gifts and training to serve God, especially through helping others explore their own spiritual journeys.”
Pastor Tanya’s graduate work in philosophy led her to UCC and into her becoming a member in discernment and then sponsorship as a pastor. Her desire for rich community and welcoming all to the table is embodied in the UCC beliefs. Exploring the connection and the wonderment of the text is all about the hospitality and welcoming everyone at their many and varied stages. Though she comes with years of experience in academics and chaplaincy, her experiences at Ebenezer in Augusta align closely with our own church family at St. Martin’s, Dittmer. Thank you, Pastor Tanya for accepting our call as our settled pastor!